Peter Maber
on Ken Edwards, Juris Kronbergs and John Barnie (2007)
Carl MacDougall
on Alan Riach (2010)
Patrick Mackie
on Charlie Smith, Jeffrey Harrison and Dionisto D. Martinez (2002)
on Matthew Sweeney and Ruth Padel (2002)
Cecily Mackworth
on Arthur Rimbaud (1995)
Will Maclean
on Bryce and Keung (2018)
Robin Maconie
on Gregory O'Brien (2007)
Christopher Madden
on Anne Carson (2014)
Vesna Main
on Gabriel Josipovici (2011)
on Bernard O’Donoghue’s The Seasons of Cullen Church (2017)
on Michael Longley (2017)
on Sasha Dugdale (2018)
on Derek Mahon (2019)
on Jane Yeh (2019)
on Jenny Bornholdt (2020)
on Mimi Khalvati (2020)
on Hugo Williams (2020)
On Jorie Graham (2021)
on Ange Mlinko (2022)
Phillip Mallett
on Kipling (1989)
James Malpas
on Ezra Pound (1986)
Carla-Rosa Manfredino
on Selima Hill & Hannah Lowe (2022)
Alberto Manguel
on Marius Kociejowski (2022)
Bill Manhire
on Auden's 'Norse Poems' (1982)
Rachel Mann
on Rowan Williams (2011)
on Simon Armitage (2015)
on Mary Oakely’s The Splash of Words (2017)
on Matthew Sweeney (2018)
on Jane Commane (2019)
on Spiritual Verse (2023)
Tess Mann
on Gary Snyder (2001)
on Vladimir Mayakovsky (2001)
on Wislawa Szymborska (2002)
Paul March-Russell
on Harry Josephine-Giles (2023)
Fred Marchant
on John F. Deane (2006)
Kathryn Maris
on Vona Groarke (2022)
David Marriott
on John Hawkes (1986)
on Martin Walser (1987)
on Dennis Potter (1988)
on Jim Crace (1988)
Robyn Marsack
on Louis MacNeice (1982)
on Merle Brown's 'Double Lyric' (1982)
on Charles Tomlinson's 'Some Americans' (1982)
on Alun Lewis (1984)
on Louis MacNeice (1990)
on Louis MacNeice (1991)
on C. Day Lewis (1992)
on Gerald Mangan and Peter McCarey (1992)
on Barry Webb's Biography of Edmund Blunden (1992)
on The Modern Poet (2002)
on Louis MacNeice (2008)
on Edmund Blunden (2016)
David Martin
on C. H. Sisson's Essays (1980)
Rachel Martin
on Alfred Douglas (2007)
Richard Martin
'Smiles on Washington Square' (1986)
Toby Martinez de las Rivas
on Sister Mary Agnes’s Harvest (2017)
on Melanie Challenger (2017)
James. F Mathias
James F. Mathias on T. S. Matthews's memoirs (1980)
Sarah Matthews
on Vernon Watkins, Stanley Moss and William Scammell (1981)
John Matthias
on Benjamin Britten's Poets (1995)
on Neil Powell's Benjamin Britten: A Life for Music (2013)
Adrian May
on The Vast American Songbook (2007)
on Morrissey and Neil Young (2014)
John McAuliffe
on David Harsent (2006)
on Conor O'Callaghan (2006)
on Thomas Kinsella (2008)
on Brendan Kennelly, Paula Meehan, Mary Montague and Thomas McCarthy (2010)
on The Penguin Book of Irish Poetry (2011)
on Incorrigibly Plural (2012)
on Peter McDonald's Sound Intentions (2013)
On Seamus Heaney (2021)
Philip McCardle
on Nigel Forde, James Sutherland-Smith and Adam Schwartzman (2004)
Peter McCarey
on Christopher Middleton (2009)
C.B. McCully
on Peter Porter, David Harsent, Alex Barr, Blake Morrison (1985)
on Duffy, Radice, Pickard, Omar Pound, Durcan and Reid (1986)
on Peter Levi, Gavin Ewart, Peter Reading, Michael Hulse, Thomas McCarthy, U A Fanthorpe, William Scammell (1986)
Chris McCully
on Tony Curtis, Mary Johnson, William Martin, George Szirtes, Charles Johnston, F.T. Prince and Peter Levi (1984)
on Marge Piercy and Penelope Shuttle (1984)
on Richard Ellmann's Yeats (1984)
on Charles Causley (1984)
on William Logan, John Montague, Selima Hill, Paul Hyland and Peter Bennet (1985)
on Ronald Bottrall, Elizabeth Bartlett, Lawrence Lerner, Janet Caird and Tessa Ransford (1985)
Charles Tomlinson, Tom Disch, Harry Guest and Sheila Wingfield (1985)
on Charles Causley, Alison Fell, Judith Kazantzis and Grace Nichols (1986)
on John Drew and Steve Ellis (1988)
on Brendan Kennelly (1991)
on Anne Stevenson's Collected Poems (1997)
on Anne Stevenson (1999)
on Anne Stevenson (2004)
on Poetry from the Netherlands (2004)
on James Canton’s Out of Essex (2014)
on the Home anthology (2015)
on Richard Hamer’s Choice of Anglo-Saxon Verse (2016)
on W.D. Jackson (2020)
on Anne Stevenson (2023)
Peter McDonald
on Jane Griffiths (2006)
Gerry McGrath
on Rutger Kopland, Tatiana Voltskaia and Tua Forsstrom (2006)
on César Vallejo (2008)
on Toon Tellegen (2011)
on The Ecco Anthology of International Poetry (2011)
on Natalya Gorbanevskaya (2012)
on Six Catalan Poets (2013)
on Jaan Kaplinski (2014)
on Wisława Szymborska (2014)
on Vladimir Khodasevich (2014)
on Ilya Kaminsky (2014)
on Mina Loy (2018)
on Thomas A Clark (2018)
James McGrath
on R.S. Thomas (2003)
on Daniel Weissbort (2003)
on U.A. Fanthorpe (2003)
on Anne Grimes, Elisabeth Rowe and Brian Bartlett (2005)
on Emily Brontë (2005)
on Ken Smith (2005)
on Grevel Lindop (2007)
on Charles Tomlinson (2007)
Patrick McGuinness
on John Peck (1993)
on T.E. Hulme (1995)
on Robert Graves (1995)
on Rodney Pybus (1995)
on Andrew McNeillie (2001)
on Three Welsh Poets (2003)
on Billy Collins (2007)
on Tim Liardet (2007)
Paul McLoughlin
on Latham, Turner, McCarthy and Piercy (1986)
on the Booth and Thwaite versions of Poetry Today (1986)
on Brian Jones and Jon Glover (1987)
on Robert Minhinnick, Tim Dooley and Jonathan Price (1987)
on Maurice Rutherford (2013)
on Beatrice Garland (2014)
On Three Chapbooks (2021)
Ian McMillan
on Ronald Duncan, P. J. Kavanagh and John Hewitt (1982)
on Taner Baybars, Patrick Williams and Leo Aylen (1982)
on F. Scott Fitzgerald's poems (1982)
on John Whitworth, Alistair Elliot and John Betjemen (1983)
on Cliff Ashby (1983)
David Sutton, J. P. Ward, Anthony Cronin, Thomas McCarthy, Emyr Humphreys, James Sutherland-Smith, Ken Smith (1983)
on Gael Turnbull and Fleur Adcock (1984)
on Norman MacCaig (1984)
Pete Morgan (1985)
John McMillan
on Chiew-Siah Tei (2009)
Andrew McNeillie
on Tom Paulin (2002)
on John Fuller (2002)
on Peter McDonald (2005)
on Patrick McGuinness (2005)
on Iain Crichton Smith (2021)
on Ben Dorain (2021)
Richard Meier
on Freda Downie and Julia Copus (2003)
Hilary Menos
on Michael Murphy (2012)
on Declan Ryan (2024)
on Diane Seuss (2024)
Alex Mepham
on Armen Davoudian (2024)
Moelwyn Merchant
on Cookson's Guide to the Cantos (1987)
on Edward Thomas (1988)
on Josef Herman (1989)
Paul Merchant
on William Cookson and Peter Russell (1988)
on Ken Smith (1989)
Christopher Meredith
on Sam Adam's novel (2010)
George Messo
on Deena Linett (2012)
Jeffrey Meyers
on Theodore Roethke (2006)
on William Jay Smith (2009)
Walter Michel
on Wyndham Lewis's Snooty Baronet (1985)
on Simone Weil and Wyndham Lewis (1986)
Christopher Middleton
on the life of Stéphane Mallarmé (1995)
Chris Miller
on Dimitris Tsaloumas and Andonis Decavalles (1987)
on Robert Marteau (1992)
on The New Polish Poetry, Eva Lipska, Sándor Kányádi, Hans Magnus Enzensburger and Kapka Kassabova (2004)
on István Baka, Tadeusz Rózewicz, Mila Haugová, Tatioa Scherbina (2005)
on New Poetry from Eastern and Central Europe (2005)
on Stephen Romer's Bonnefoy (2012)
on Mark Thompson's Birth Certificate: The Story of Danilo Kiš (2013)
on Simon Pringle's Das Booty (2014)
on André du Bouchet (2015)
The Poems of Basil Bunting (2016)
on Benjamin Fondane’s Cinepoems (2017)
On Yves Bonnefoy (2021)
on Forms of Poetic Attention (2021)
on The Foreign Connection (2022)
on Eliana Hernández-Pachón and Javier Peñalosa M. (2025)
Paul Mills
on Bill McKibben (1991)
W.S. Milne
on Rowan Williams (2004)
on Beckett's Letters Volume II (2012)
Debbie Mitchell
on Robert Creeley (note this was missing from the original PNR16 table of contents) (1980)
Deborah Mitchell
on Tadeusz Rozewicz, Zbigniew Herbert and Max Jacob (1979)
on Osten Sjostrand, Sheenagh Pugh, Bramwell Jones, Philip Ward and John Dressel (1979)
on Judith Kazantzis, Melissa Murray, Roni Keller, Ian Hughes, Randolph Ellis (1979)
on Vernon Scannell (1981)
Stephen Mitchelmore
on Gabriel Josipovici (2003)
Chris Beckett and Isao Miura
on Maitreyabandhu (2016)
Janet Montefiore
on W.H. Auden (1997)
on Women's Poetry of the 1930s, Women's Fiction of the Second World War and British Poetry 1900-1950 (1997)
A. David Moody
on Hugh Kenner (2002)
Dom Moraes
on Rabindranath Tagore (2002)
Dyfnallt Morgan
on Welsh Literature (1987)
Edwin Morgan
on Gilgamesh (2002)
David Morley
on David Scott (2007)
Horatio Morpurgo
on Joseph Minden (2023)
Ceri-Sîan Morris
on Sappho and women of the Red Plain (1993)
Blake Morrison
on Davie's Pound (1977)
David Wright's anthology of Everyday Verse (1978)
on Karen Gershon (1978)
on David Harsent, Peter Scupham, Gavin Ewart, Anne Stevenson, Iain Crichton Smith, Frank Ormsby, Sebastian Barker (1979)
Davie's Poems (1979)
Sinéad Morrissey
on Vona Groarke and Conor O'Callaghan (2000)
on Gabriel Levin (2000)
Ruth Morse
on Louis Simpson, Frederick Morgan, Carl Bode and Gregory Orr (1982)
on Merwin's Persius (1982)
on David Brooks (1984)
on Les. A. Murray (1985)
on The Younger Australian Poets (1985)
The Collins Book of Australian Poetry (1985)
on Les A. Murray (1986)
on Lauris Edmond (1986)
on Rosemary Dobson and Gwen Harwood (1986)
on Australian poetry (1987)
on American Poets (1987)
on Commonwealth Poetry (1988)
on Elizabeth Smither (1988)
on the Carribean Cornucopia of the Peepal Tree Press (1994)
Brian Morton
on Theodore Weiss and Kathleen Raine (1983)
on Hugh MacDiarmid (1984)
on 'An Anglican Meditation on the Place of Mary' (1985)
on Michael Alexander's Old English Literature (1985)
on Liz Lochhead (1985)
David Jones Criticism (1985)
on Josephine Miles (1986)
on Hart Crane (1986)
on 'The Letters of Hugh MacDiarmid' (1986)
on Old and Middle English Poetry (1988)
on Paul Carter (1988)
on Gert Hofmann (1988)
on John Matthias (1992)
on Kenneth Koch and Mark Ford (2004)
on Paul Hyland (2005)
on Stewart Conn (2006)
on Georg Trakl (2020)
Brian Morton on John Montague (2020)
On Pablo Neruda (2021)
on Alfonso Reyes (2021)
on Alfonso Reyes (2021)
on Jordi Doce (2022)
Andrew Motion
on Osborne's Auden (1980)
John Muckle
on Christopher Middleton and Jesper Svenbro (2004)
on Peter Riley, Richard Caddel and Tony Baker (2004)
on J.H. Prynne and Ken Edwards (2004)
on Ulli Freer and Ian Davidson (2004)
on Lee Harwood (2005)
on Barry MacSweeney, David Herd and Richard Price (2005)
on Douglas Oliver and Simon Jarvis (2006)
on Cesar Vallejo (2006)
on Andrew Duncan (2007)
on Raymond Queneau, Pierre Jean Jouve, Iain Sinclair, Claude Vigée (2008)
on Veronica Forrest-Thomson and Robert Sheppard (2009)
on Rae Armantrout and Alan Halsey (2009)
on North American Poetry and Cinema (2010)
on Bill Griffiths (2010)
on Nicole Brossard, Douglas Messerli, Therese Bachand, Christopher Middleton, Adriano Spatola, J. H. Prynne (2010)
on Mary Leader and Elaine Randell (2011)
on Andrew Crozier (2012)
on Bill Griffiths (2014)
on Kelvin Corcoran, Ron Silliman, Janet Sutherland and John Seed (2015)
on Edward Dorn’s Derelict Air (2015)
on Elsa Cross, Sandeep Parmar, Linda Black, Susan Connolly & Em Strang (2017)
on Simon Smith (2017)
on Burnside and Fisher (2018)
on John James and Barry MacSweeney (2019)
Julie Mullaney
on Janet Montefiore's Essays (2002)
on Kwame Dawes (2004)
on The Oxford English Literary History (2005)
on Alice Oswald, Anna Wigley and Kate Rhodes (2006)
Paul Mundon
on Paul Mills (2001)
Charles Mundye
on Symbolism, Decadence and the Fin de Siècle (2001)
Theresa Munoz
on Martin Espada and Jane Hirshfield (2007)
Alan Munton
Modernism (1978)
on Jeffrey Meyers's biography of Wyndham Lewis (1981)
on Roy Campbell (1982)
on Roy Campbell (1983)
Lukacs, and 'A New View of the 1930s' (1983)
Edward Callan's Auden (1985)
on Martin Bell (1990)
on Wyndham Lewis (1991)
on the Olson/Creeley correspondence (1991)
on Passionate Renewal (2002)
on Steve Spence (2022)
Cian Murphy
on Elaine Feeney, Joan McBreen and Kerrie O’Brien (2017)
Kathryn Murphy
on Tony Harrison's Film Poetry (2008)